To the people who told me I care too much, your heart doesn't belong in a classroom, you can't reach each student, dressing up is too much, or that having a non traditional school is too big of a dream, this is for you.... To the people who have been told your dream is too big, you need to care a little less, or you won't reach that child..... This is for you.....
I have a dream. A big dream. A dream that is so big that God has to be in the midst for it to come to pass. My dream? To reach EACH and every kid in an untraditional classroom. I don't go to work everyday to reach just one...I go to work each day to try and reach all. It may seem unrealistic but I serve a God who works his greatest miracles in unrealistic situations. I care A LOT. I cry probably everyday and THAT'S OKAY. Because, I care! I love my students and I want them to understand just how much I really love and care for them. My approach to education is also okay. It's okay I jump from desk to desk or roll around on the ground, it's okay that I have incredibly high expectations, and it's even okay I taught coins this year wearing a pink wig...WHY? Because I am living MY dream and will continue to live my dream. I know my dream is big...but I serve a bigger God. My God one day will honor my dream for the future. I will have non traditional schools but in the mean time...I will be a teacher who cares too much, who dresses crazy, who spends 20 hour days at school, who gets her Masters degree, and who wakes up everyday trying to reach every single student...WHY? Because I'm going to "LIVE MY DREAM" and I encourage you to live yours...💕
November 6, 2015