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Creating Experiences

"Miss Pearson what's it like to carve a pumpkin?" "How do I use a paintbrush?" My heart broke. I have taken my childhood for granted as 19 of my students had yet to carve a pumpkin or even paint one. Something I saw as tradition and normal was something they couldn't fathom. So today in Suessville we carved a pumpkin and we painted pumpkins. Why? Because the more I teach, the more I long to teach through creating moments in their lives, not just simply teaching about moments. What's a moment really worth if it doesn't mean anything? The broken kid, the happy kid, the mean kid, the advanced kid, EVERY KID deserves to learn through experience. So today in Suessvillle authentic learning occurred through me creating a moment that I once took for granted.#fortheloveoffirstgrade #oursuessville









October 28, 2016 

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